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Supporting Section

Equipment is supported by a structure or pipeway level if the bottom of its supporting elements are closer to that level than to another level or to the base elevation of the structure. If there are no supporting elements, then all solid elements (not text) will be considered supporting elements.

The image below shows a structure (Tank_Pedestal) and four pieces of equipment: exchanger-1, exchanger-2, vessel-1, and vessel-2. As indicated by the heavy dashed lines, the supports on these pieces have been set to be supporting elements. A supporting structure report on this arrangement produces:


Structure Name Section Name Level Equipment
Tank_Pedestal Section-1 1 vessel-1
Tank_Pedestal Section-1 2 exchanger-1
Tank_Pedestal Section-1 2 exchanger-2

The reason vessel-2 does not appear in the report is because its supporting elements are closer to the base elevation (z-ordinate) of the structure than to one of the structure’s levels.

Isometric and top views of structure Tank_Pedestal and the equipment it is supporting.

Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
supporting-section attributes equipment-name the piece of equipment being supported
level the level of the structure section
section-name the name of the structure section supporting the equipment
structure-name the name of the structure supporting the equipment
relationships equipment equipment being supported by supporting-sections